What If We Could Stop War?

Rebel Oracle
5 min readJun 22, 2023


Taking a second to type the word ‘egregore’ into a search engine. This little-known phenomenon is an energetic force that occurs when a collective of human minds focuses on a single intention, interpretation, outcome, or process.

It is a particular thought practice created as a ‘third mind’ through shared attention. Religions, cults, governments, enterprises, and most movements all have this body of thought. Ceremonies, business meetings, connecting with old school friends, and family Sunday lunch are examples of this collective-mind power.

An egregore is a thought entity created when two or more people think and speak toward a common objective through words, mass prayer, meditation, etc. The ability to acknowledge this ideology and realize its potential is a revolutionary step for the conscious seeker.

Whole communities sometimes pray for rain. It is an extraordinary event where the entire village gathers to sing, dance, and call the gods/heavens/spirits to bring the rain. The village elder or Wiseman usually instigates this event and the skies would cloud over, and a good downpour ensued… It is farther from a fairy tale than the total truth. A church service brings believers to collectively focus on, pray and give power to the word of God. An egregore is created and strengthened through every one of these gatherings. And the best part is still coming.

Let us assume that ten thousand people gathered in an open space for a month. They are there for a specific purpose, and all concentrate on a topic, such as Peace. Each day these people focus on harmony with an enemy — a neighbouring country, etc. The outcome inevitably would turn to peace and prosperity between these two nations. A magical armistice treaty will fall out of the sky onto the presidents’ laps. Boom! They live happily ever after. We can go further and say that it might take a few days or hours to transpire.

The world we live in could be much merrier if we undertook mass awareness toward positive change on a grand scale.

An anti-war campaign should never, ever be marketed as an anti-war campaign. The subconscious and superconscious minds cannot register negative connotations, such as can’t, don’t, not, nor ‘anti’. For example, a parent tells their child, “Don’t touch the stove.” The child’s mind only registers “Touch the stove!” We can and will get better results if we recognise and apply positive statements at home and business. The phrase ‘anti-war’ does not register in our brains; all our nimble minds can grasp is the word ‘war,’ which is the exact thing we are trying to solve or eradicate. So essentially, marching the streets in masses, protesting “No more war!” is rendered as “More war!” We don’t want to go to war…so maybe encourage pro-peace campaigns? It works, and history proves this.

Photo by Remy Gieling on Unsplash

Protesters and citizens alike should solve issues by activating pro-outcome campaigns. Why promote an anti-racist movement if we want equality? An ‘anti’ rally usually turns into hysterical mayhem, with everyone screaming and shouting, getting roused up, looting shops, and causing mass devastation in their wake, with riot police and tear gas to bring order to the hordes. This is the simple reason why so few of these rallies are successful.
Whether the nation’s prosperity, equal rights, better working conditions, or rain, it can be achieved without violence and disorder, instead, gained through pure mass thought — a collective idea that grows into fruition.

The collective mind forms part of a common purpose wherever we are. We could be in the desert, on a mountain, or at home. An egregore is created when an idea is accepted and simultaneously pulsed through many peoples’ minds. Studies on this subject are well documented; it is a confirmed phenomenon used over centuries.

Hidden Fact: An egregore is an energetic entity and not a visible force. It is a detached mind powered by a collection of human minds, and it does not have any influence over decisions or people.

Another example is a music band without an audience — that’s just another band practice — not affecting many people. No one is going to make it big at band practice. But put that same band at a music concert. Thousands of people attending a sold-out show, singing along to lyrics, with joyous emotions and energy surrounding the stadium. A significant unseen mass-mind, built on lyrics, is created. Consider any well-known song millions have heard; it would not have the same effect if only one hundred people heard it — the impact would be non-existent.

An egregore grows where energy goes…

Unfortunately, some egregores created, whether consciously or not, have an evil frame of reference. One such example is the Nazi regime, based on reinstating the country’s pride. This was immaculately carried out using propaganda. The German people were led to believe that Hitler’s motives would improve the economy — which was the reality for some during the early days of his reign — however, the truth behind it was to remove non-Aryan people from the picture, though this was never explicitly mentioned. Hitler was seen as saviour to many. He had millions upon millions of people shouting in admiration wherever he went. They were steered to believe that he was rebuilding Germany to its former glory prior to the First World War, from which Germany’s land and ego were struck down and tarnished. In this instance, the egregore created was powerful, backed by millions yet cloaked in deceit and personal vendettas that secured the regime in performing their ethnic cleansing without pushback or obstruction.

The egregore is always created, fuelled, and energised through constant attention by a group on any given topic. Egregores exist in every gathering with a collective intention. Even the fully booked restaurant down the road has a sphere of energy encapsulating its presence. The egregore is simply the absolute resultant power of human minds joining in a common purpose.



Rebel Oracle

I am the Rebel Oracle, a humble seeker of truths, illuminating the hidden corners of consciousness, gently challenging established norms.