Why Neurons are Cool
For thousands of years, we have absorbed, filtered, processed, and produced…from nothing. A mere thought from nowhere can be turned into a…a rocket ship, or a painting, or a sand castle.
Memories stir up chemical and biological patterns associated with each, sparking physical and emotional responses — experienced as real. It all starts adding to an overall frame of reality.
Specifically, when a person experiences an emotional response for the first time (trauma, falling in love, fear, joy, etc.), a burst of energy is fashioned in the brain, causing a connection between two neurons. More and more of these neurons string together in mutual celebration, connecting dots between an external event and the body’s chemical glands. As these neurons fire up, they build a thought process, and it grows and expands each time.

A trigger from a particular action, habit, or experience will result in an electrical response to this nerve-cell network, both influenced by previous experiences and affecting how the neurons will link together in the future.
This ‘reaction’ sends out all the relative responses to the entire body — chemical, emotional, and muscular energy that spurs vocal cords, movement, actions, and the like, to walk, to swim, to yell in excitement or to curl into a ball. In short, learning how to survive best.
Each time new information is received by a sense, it gets sifted through this established frame of reality. That first spark of an idea — a tiny footpath of cells becomes an eight-lane highway of interwoven intelligence through continual stimulation that determines decisions, responses, and actions.
These neurons fire up and become a more robust network of thought via repeated bursts of communication. Eventually, millions of these little guys unite in joyous harmony within a millisecond.

On the positive end, this leads to excellence and expertise in positive habits, career, artistic ability, or behaviour. However, it is also the cause of addiction, limiting beliefs, and uncontrolled bouts of emotional outbursts.
Consider that it takes hours, days, months, years, even decades — and voila! Rocket ship built. If an individual can put the correct information into their mind enough times, they are limitless. They can and will achieve anything.
There are roughly ten billion neurons that every human being comes equipped with (more or less).
Ain’t that something? A whole lot of tiny intelligent cells at our disposal to direct and build our lives with. That innate ability of Choice defines how we choose to make use of these cells…
The human brain is also equipped with plasticity. It can mould, change, and adapt to new ways of thinking, doing and responding to stimuli.
I find solace in redefining a few million neurons so that billions more can thrive.